- Reviews of travel/camping/hiking destinations
- Upcoming, current or past experiences
- Itineraries and packing lists
- Self imposed or nature imposed survival stories or tactics
- Outdoor gear reviews
- Photos or video of locations or experiences
- Any type of outdoor or travel reccomendations
- Low impact travel or camping solutions
- Etc.
There are currently three contributers to this project, all of which know eachother, and have had adventuring experience with eachother. We may continue recruiting a few more contributers, but for now, we will see how this set up works too start. The following is a general list of adventuring activities that the contributors have experience with.
- Camping
- Hiking
- skiing/snowboarding
- survival
- surfing
- biking
- international travel
- trekking
- canoeing/kayaking
- white water rafting
- fishing
- snow shoeing
- trail running
Soon we will have Biographies available of the current contributors.