Tomorrow, I am most likely going to go white water rafting on the Vermillion River in Illinois, with a few of my family members. I do not know many details about this trip other than its location (Ogelsby, IL, which is a few miles south of Starved Rock), that it takes 3-4 hours, and to not get my hope up about the rapids. According to what I have heard, it is suitable for beginners (class II), and they have yet to lose one cooler. Judging by this description, it may be lame, and it may actually be some sort of booze cruise.
Having previously rafted the Ocoee river in Tennessee, which features class IV rapids, this trip will probably not compare. But what can I expect, while staying within the confines of the state of Illinois. At least I have an excuse to get out in the sun for a few hours, and have a cold one with Mama Nature.
More updates to come afer the weekend.