9-14-09 ROME
"Woke up a little late with a slight hangover. Said bye to my friends that I had met in Naples and walked to the metro. Walked from Dante Metro stop to Napoli Central Station which is in Piazza Garribaldi. At the station, I met a couple from Palo Altothat was having difficulties, and seemed frustrated, and I helped them find our train." They were nice, but looked like idiots with backpacks completely engulfed in duct taped hefty bags. "Train ride was uneventful besides gaining some much needed shuteye. I already miss Naples and hope that I meet some cool people in Roma.
When I arrived in the Rome Termini Station, it was raining. I luckily had my jacket handy, and the walk to the 'Yellow Hostel' was only a few blocks. I was checked into the hostel around 3:00 PM. The rooms are not quite as nice as 'La Controra', but are adequate.
When I was checking out the room, I met a couple guys from New Zealand, and three girls also from there. Apparently, they put me in the Kiwi room of the hostel. The kiwimen want me to go with them on a pub crawl, but with my headache, I don't know if I can commit to that. I decided to think about it while doing a mini walk of the city to help me get a lay of the land.
I walked about 30 minutes to the coliseum, and sat and took in my surroundings. I am so glad that I decided to add this Italy excursion to my agenda. I walked around the coliseum and checked out a few of the ruins and archeological sights nearby. One cool thing about Rome is that there are running fountains of water on the sidewalks around the city, and the water is delicious. After my walk back, I decided to get a panini from a nearby restaurant. When I got back, the Kiwi guys were about to leave for the pub crawl, and I vetoed that idea for myself. The kiwi girls and I decided to go to the 'Yellow' bar downstairs. After an expensive pint of Newcastle, we went to the restaurant next door so they could eat. I was not hungry, so I just had an Italian beer, and another Kiwi girl Molly gave us some wine.
After the restaurant, we went back to the bar, and eventually played beer-pong and foosball in the basement. My Florida Gator beerpong skills whipped every European and Eurasian in the place. After a while, I went off with a group of Americans and Australians to get some more pizza. On the way back, we got a few more beers, Piralta's I think, and drank them on the street. We found a huge truck which was jacked up, and we staged death photos.
When I got back to the hostel, there was a passed out drunk Canadian guy in my bed. I yelled at him the get the hell out of my bed, but he was not coherent enough to give a logical response to my threats. After a little time at the front desk, it was sorted out, and my bed was moved into the adjoining room with the Kiwi guys. I took the time to send a few emails to friends and family, and went to bed, in my new room, which smells like a shoe. The end of another great day in Europe. Tomorrow should be quite busy, tomorrow is my Uber-Tourist day.
Ted Kennedy Statue in Rome?

Staged Death Photo in Rome.