Tuesday, April 7, 2009

REI Garage Sale- Results

On Saturday, REI had a Garage sale to get rid of items that were returned, damaged, used, or out of stock. The sale was to start at 9 AM, so I woke up around 8AM, and drove over to the store. I arrived at about 20 minutes before 9 and saw a very long line of outdoorsman and outdoorswomen lined up outside the designated garage sale parking lot. Some of the residents of this line had camp chairs, sleeping bags and one guy was wearing a Selk sleeping bag aka a mummy sleeping bag with legs check out the link to see what I’m talking about.  http://www.lippiselkbag.co.uk/store/d58-Selk-Bag-Store-(US-Dollars)

So I was in line with about 200 people in front of me. Shortly before nine, and REI employee began shouting to the crowd.

“If your mom never taught you manners, Leave now. No Pushing!, No Shoving!, No grabbing from others! If I or any other employee tells you to leave, leave immediately, you are trespassing. If pushing or shoving happens, you will be banned from all REI stores for LIFE! I can make that happen.”

With the threat of a life sentence away from our favorite store, the tension in the air was tangible. Like your first day in prison, everyone was contemplating what they would have to do to survive. I wanted to push EVERYONE.  I wanted to grab EVERYTHING!

When the floodgates were opened, I could see the people that had camped in line running like the wind to go grab armfuls of the best items. By the time I got in, many of the clothes racks had been pillaged, and the Vikings that had ravaged them were guarding massive piles of loot. I even saw one guy that had gotten his hands on three Mountain Hardware monkey man fleeces for $50 each.

I was able to snag a used REI Taj 3 tent for $39.99. It is a 3 person, 3 season backpacking tent that had formerly been used as an REI rental tent, and I’m sure it has been on many trips. It is in good condition, and as the weather improves, I can’t wait to pitch my tent!

As far as the sale went, I had the opportunity to buy some light North Face hiking boots for $35, and there were some decent snow shoes for $40, but I failed to pull the trigger before someone snatched them.  The sale was advertized as going from 9-2, but by 9:15, the place was mainly cleaned out besides a few canoes and kayaks up for auction at the end of the day. Overall, people were well behaved and courteous. For me, this was a great start to my Saturday. Up early, interaction with gear, and likeminded people, and a chance to improve my current cache of outdoor gear. I recommend REI Garage Sales for anyone; just get there earlier than I did. I will continue to look for them in my neck of the woods.