Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
Coordinates:33°30′53.0″N 111°57′41.8″W
Elevation: 2706 Ft
Vertical feet of Hike: 1334 Ft.
Length of Hike: 1.5 Miles
Packing List: 32 oz of water, 1 orange
The Camelback Mountain hike is a really great hike, that I highly
recommend for anyone visiting the Phoenix area. On Saturday
February 28th, my two buddies Kevin and Gene and I hit the
mountain starting at about 9 AM. The temperature was perfect,
in the low to mid eighties, and there was some shade to find on the
trail because it was early.
I have done this hike several times, but it is always strenuous.
Although it is aerobically challenging for a one and a half mile
hike, it pretty much can be completed by anyone, and is very
popular with residents and tourists alike.
To me, there seems to be three logical sections of the hike. The
lower third is composed of steep stairs made of wooden railroad
ties. The second section is extremely steep and semi-slippery
rock with sections of railing climbing up the path. The third
section is a steep hike up a few vertical fields of small boulders.
This stage is a great quad workout.

rail section

We summited Camelback mountain at around 10 AM., and
enjoyed amazing views of the entire valley, and I enjoyed my
celebratory orange. What a great way to start a morning!

view from
the top
