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Contributor Bio: Charley Tucker

- Name: Charley Tucker
- Home Base: Chicago, IL
- Education: Graduated from University of Florida
- Industry: Technology
- Music: All, especially Classic Rock
- Adventuring Experience: Camping, Hiking, Survival, Paddling, Trekking, Trail Running, Fishing, Rafting, International Travel, limited climbing, surfing and snowboarding. Eagle Scout.
- Non-Adventure Hobbies: Reading, Watching Sports(Florida Gators, Chicago Cubs, Chicago Bears), Running, Playing Sports,
- Countries Traveled: USA, Mexico, Canada, England, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Grand Cayman
- Noteworthy Adventures:
- Boundary waters Canoe trip(Minnesota, Canada, 2 times)
- Philmont Boy Scout Ranch(Cimarron, New Mexico)
- Appalachian Trail(Hiked about 100 miles of the trail)
- Europe(Backpacked when I was a Boy Scout)
- Devil’s Bridge(Sedona, Arizona)
- N.P.’s visited: Yellowstone, Rushmore, Redwood, Everglades, Badlands, Grand Teton, Mammoth Cave, Sequoia, Voyageurs, Wind Cave, Devil’s Tower, Glacier, and probably more.
- Places I'd like to pitch a tent: Yosemite, Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon, Zion, Joshua Tree
- Where I want to Travel: Ireland, Italy, Germany for Oktoberfest, Hawaii, South America, Mexico again
- Best part about Adventuring and Travel: I think the best way to learn about yourself is by getting out of your comfort zone, and getting out of your daily routine. There is no better way to do that than by taking time to cut the cord between yourself what life tells you is “important” from Monday to Friday. My favorite part about adventuring and travel is exploring new situations and experiencing the unknown. Nature is relaxing but you can never know who or what you will encounter on the trail, or while traveling. Being outdoors is refreshing and you can usually tell that by the friendly people you meet along the way.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. ~Albert Einstein